
Category Archives: Oily Skin

Cellular Repair & Protection when its needed

A day in the life...of our clinic and your busy lives
Some days its all about pulling out the BIG boys to power up everyone's daily skin care routine and […]

Lemon – The Zest of Life

The Zest of Life
We believe lemons are the zest of life! They bring vibrancy to our inner and outer being by invigorating our senses with their tangy flavour, boosting aroma, […]

When Life passes you Lemons – Cleanse!

alkalising lemons

We enjoy putting fresh lemon in our drinking water, cooking with lemon and it is also a delightful and dynamic essential oil when used in skin care and for your general health. Lemon is known for its ability to flush toxins from the any part of the body, internally and externally.

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